PREPARE Magazine

Website Link Placement

Link Placement Ads are links that are added to our website(s) or blog. These links are usually built inside a submitted  - keyword rich - written blog post*.  The author/advertiser will choose his/her desired keyword as the anchor for the hyperlink.

  • Link Placements must be approved and fit within the preparedness, self-reliance, homesteading, and survival niche.
  • Link Placements will be one keyword anchor link within an article, typically 500 to 1200 words in length on a topic related to preparedness, homesteading, survival, etc.
  • Link Placements will remain "live" and active on the website for the duration of the purchased time-frame.   
  • Blog Post length is a minimum of 400 and maximum of 1,200 words.  Some exceptions may be allowed upon approval.
  • Royalty Free Graphics/images can be included in post with approval (max 2).
  • Author/Advertiser is responsible for all content, communications with buyer and liability.

Your Link Placement Advertisement typically appears on our site within 3 days of submission and approval.  

Your Link Placement Advertisement blog post is then promoted on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and other Social Media outlets.

As a bonus, in some cases a popular article may also be included in our digital magazine publication (with link live) and other web properties - provided the author/advertiser is in agreement. 


*The post may or may not eventually be included in a digital or print publication of PREPARE magazine based upon content and approval. This does not alter the previous publication agreement on the site(s) but rather brings additional value.

*Post, Article and Link are subject to approval by both the Advertising and Contributors Departments.  Full refund issued within 15 days if not approved for Link Placement Ad(s)

*Any redirect or change of any link's original destination url, without prior consent of PREPARE Magazine may result in removal of post, ad or link with no refund. 

Email your post, article or image with the urls visible and linked to:

*PREPARE Magazine reserves the right to select advertisers who have no offensive images or text and adhere to the Mission of the magazine. Please work with our Advertising Department to help you as you produce a high-quality ad that can be approved in a timely manner.


    Thank you for visiting and for your interest in PREPARE Magazine. We are currently searching for long-term founding Advertising Partners, and are offering a very Special Promotion to the serious movers. Look in our Special Promotions section for all the details.

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